Forums / Install & configuration / Manual Installation
fshock fshock
Wednesday 16 March 2005 7:15:02 pm
Hi, I'm trying to install EzPub on a windows machine manually since the wizard dosnt work. After follwing the instructions in the doc how do i get the actual website.
The wizard would have set up a site iniallally like ...index.php/corporate and index.php/admin_corporate for front end and back end respectively, but how do I accomplish this in the manual installation.
Aslo I had to run the sql manually ... do I now need to create a seperate mysql schema for this new site?
What I mean is If running Ezpublish with one site do I need two databases where one is for Ezpublish and one is for the first site aka if i want to run 5 sites i need six shemeas ect.
Looking forward to some respones.
Ćukasz Serwatka
Wednesday 16 March 2005 11:36:02 pm
If you want truly separation for every site, then yes. Better is setup one database for every siteaccess. For one site with two siteaccess (public view and admin) one database is enought but if you want you can additionally set slave database (readonly) to improve security.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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