Forums / Install & configuration / Missing "content structure" menu after upgrading to 4.0.1

Missing "content structure" menu after upgrading to 4.0.1

Author Message

Nico Sabbi

Tuesday 26 August 2008 8:13:31 am

I just upgraded from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 following the instructions described here:

Although I didn't have any complaint during the upgrade steps I noticed that
in the admin section a menu that is probably called "content structure"
(I'm using the translated version, so I can't say for sure) is emtpy, while
the contents it should show are listed at the bottom of the page as expected.

Are there upgrade logs that I can read or post to someone willing to help?
What can I do to restore that view?

André R.

Tuesday 26 August 2008 10:18:32 am

And you cleared cache? (specifically Template and Template block cache)

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Nico Sabbi

Thursday 28 August 2008 2:51:00 am

yes, but it wasn't the cause of the disappearence: I didn't overwrite
the design/ directory because I wanted to preserve my templates;
after having unpacked the stock design/ and added my custom
templates everything worked as expected :)