Forums / Install & configuration / Missing first menubar in Website Interface
Maarten Holland
Saturday 11 August 2007 7:33:03 am
Hi all,
I just installed ezPublish 3.9.2 with ezwebin_site 1.2-0 and changed some ini files.
Everything is working nicely, except I miss the first part that lists the translations, login menu and my logo. It seems to have something to do with $pagedesign / template_look not working properly.
I've read a few topics here:
but can't figure out what to do to fix it.
Hope anyone can help me.
Thank you very much!
Monday 13 August 2007 1:24:13 pm
To clearify: Probably it has something to do with those bugs: (outdated) and more likely:
except that I do have a class 'template_look' (or should there be another object?). It just has another ID, but I can't find any hardcoded node ID's in pagelayout.tpl.
I'd really like to solve this since 3.9.2 has some very nice features like the tag cloud and improved blogging functionality!
Thank you in advance,
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
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