Forums / Install & configuration / Multi site / same database
Artturi Markko
Tuesday 26 June 2007 7:02:19 am
I'm going to setup ez publish in a school, for several groups of users.Each group will have its own node, with special rights dedicated to its members.
There will be one portal site permitting to each user to navigate through the global site.
Will I be able to add group sites, based on the same database, each one having its virtualhost ?
The goal is to get a group site like, with dedicated templates, but content based on what is under the math group's node.
Thanks in advance,
André R.
Tuesday 26 June 2007 12:13:08 pm
What is the requirement for the sites, are they going to be completely independent in design, or same site with some specific styling for each page ?
The reason I ask is that if they are going to be similar, you can accomplish this relatively easy using ezwebin (Webinterface) and the setting 'RootNodeDepth', in site.ini [SiteSettings].
>Will I be able to add group sites, based on the same database, each one having its virtualhost ?Yes, but you need one siteaccess pr page.
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Wednesday 27 June 2007 3:35:33 am
It's more about the navigation than the design.
The big site will have it's root node at the top of the content while the math site will have it's root defined by the node of the math group.
Then, the css and layout can be almost the same, the difference being illustrated by the sitemap.
Saturday 30 June 2007 11:50:52 am
In that case you should not use the RootNodeDepth setting, since it would require a structur like this: root | -Page 1 | -Page 2 |-Page 3
Or in words, all sites must be on the same node depth.
So in your case you can use the different siteaccesses override files to assign different pagelayout pr siteaccess, the override in the math siteaccess would look like this:
[math_pagelayout] Source=pagelayout.tpl MatchFile=math_pagelayout.tpl Subdir=templates
Keep in mind that you can't use the template_look class to control site look since its not multi site safe. In the pagelayout included in ezwebin, its assigned to the variable $pagedesign.
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