Forums / Install & configuration / Object error when trying to select link

Object error when trying to select link

Author Message

Armando Colpa

Wednesday 24 November 2010 6:48:06 am

Please forgive my vast ignorance on this subject. I'm completely new to eZ Publish. However, I seemed to have already encountered an issue that nobody else here can solve.

We are using version 4.2 of eZ Publish. I cd into the main directory where I've downloaded everything and ran

sudo php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all

sudo php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php

sudo apachectl restart

This all seems to work fine, then I tried logging into the system and already notice an issue because the navigation on the left hand side doesn't show up. Clicking on one of the links in the main area gives me the following error message:

"The requested object has been moved and thus it is no longer available at the specified address.

The system should automatically redirect you to the new location of the object.

If redirection fails, click on the following address: "address"."

So I then log out and try and run sudo php bin/php/ezcache.php --clear-all again, but this time receive:

"Clearing : Content view cachePHP Fatal error: Call to a member function processFile() on a non-object in (main path)/lib/ezutils/classes/ezexpiryhandler.php on line 60
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its requestThe execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.Clearing : Content view cachePHP Fatal error: Call to a member function processFile() on a non-object in (main path)/lib/ezutils/classes/ezexpiryhandler.php on line 60
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its requestThe execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below."

I've done a google search on this error but haven't really turned up much. And no one here at work has encountered this error, so of course I'm in uncharted territory here.

I'm using a MacBook Pro running Mac OS X 10.6.5 (i5, 4GB RAM, 500 GB HD if anyone cares), eZ Publish 4.2, php 5.2.12, MySQL 5.1.53 and apache 2.2.15. My PHP doesn't have GD installed (I could recompile php to do so) nor Imagemagick, but I didn't think that was an issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated at this point. Thanks in advance.

Bertrand Dunogier

Wednesday 24 November 2010 8:13:13 am

Is there anything interesting in var/log/error.log ?

I don't see anything obvious based on your description, but it's not like we're flooded with information ;-)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Armando Colpa

Wednesday 24 November 2010 9:43:30 am

Thanks so much for your quick reply. Looking at the file you suggested, it appears I'm having some type of configuration error. I'm getting a ton of "not found" type of errors. Clearly eZ Publish is looking for something and not finding it. For example

[ Nov 24 2010 12:27:58 ] [] eZINI:Undefined variable: 'CacheDir' in group 'FileSettings' in site.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 12:27:58 ] [] eZExtension::getHandlerClass:Unable to find variable FileHandler in section ClusteringSettings in file file.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 12:28:56 ] [] eZINI:Undefined variable: 'DebugAccess' in group 'SiteAccessSettings' in site.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 12:27:58 ] [] eZINI:Undefined variable: 'CacheDir' in group 'FileSettings' in site.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 12:27:58 ] [] eZExtension::getHandlerClass:Unable to find variable FileHandler in section ClusteringSettings in file file.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 12:28:56 ] [] eZINI:Undefined variable: 'DebugAccess' in group 'SiteAccessSettings' in site.ini

I'm also getting errors like

[ Nov 24 2010 17:25:57 ] [::1] eZTemplate:ezini:!!!No such variable 'RootNode' in group 'NodeSettings' for content.ini[ Nov 24 2010 17:25:57 ] [::1] eZTemplate:ezini:!!!No such variable 'RootNode' in group 'NodeSettings' for content.ini

[ Nov 24 2010 17:25:57 ] [::1] eZTemplate:

No such attribute for array(6): node_id

Choose one of following: content, path, is_default_navigation_part,

ui_context, ui_component, uri

Once again, thanks for any help you guys can give.

André R.

Thursday 25 November 2010 5:29:16 am

read access to settings folder or write access to var/cache maybe?
Basically those errors (not being able to read settings) should not happen.

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