Forums / Install & configuration / php fatal error trying to run update scripts
Angie Zimaro
Monday 27 March 2006 12:17:50 pm
trying to run: php update/common/scripts/updatetoplevel.php -snews_admin I get the error message:PHP Fatal error: Cannot reassign $this in C:\bal_well\ezpublish-3.5.1\lib\ezutils\classes\ezdebug.php on line 198
Line 198: $this =& eZDebug::instance(); in: function messageName( $messageType ) { if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezdebug" ) $this =& eZDebug::instance(); return $this->MessageNames[$messageType]; }
Łukasz Serwatka
Monday 27 March 2006 10:33:59 pm
Angie, make sure that you have correct version ( run php -v ) of PHP and that you run PHP CLI, usually in placed in CLI sub-directory of your php installation. Script should be run from eZ publish root directory.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Wednesday 29 March 2006 10:09:38 am
I'm running php 5.0.5. How do I run php cli? And, if the scripts are in the update/common/scripts/ directory, do I have to move them all to the root before running them in the command prompt? And, do I run ALL the scripts in the scripts directory, and in which order, does it matter?
Thank you
Wednesday 29 March 2006 3:38:00 pm
eZ 3.x will not work with any php 5.x
use php4
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Saturday 01 April 2006 10:20:55 am
I installed php 4.4.2, but I'm still getting errors. Starting with failing to open stream: no such file or directory ... line 37, and ending a fatal error of undefined class name 'ezcli'. I'm past ready to give up on eZpublish, and just re-do the site on a different open source cms. It has been far from'EZ' thus far.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs