Forums / Install & configuration / Place logo on top
Jan Vidar Pedersen
Sunday 24 February 2008 6:30:30 am
I have searched for weeks to get help for this. I have tried to set ImageClick On and Off, but nothing seems to help.
I am new to this, and I found a tutorial here:
But the resault is an emty top - no logo.
Anyone can help? Yhe logo is a gif image, 800x160 pxl.
My site is here:
- Jan Vidar
Stéphane Bullier
Sunday 24 February 2008 9:30:26 am
You have to create an alias logo.
Create image.ini.append.php file in settings/siteaccess/<your_siteaccess>/
<?php /* #?ini charset="utf-8"? [AliasSettings] AliasList[] AliasList[]=logo [logo] Reference= Filters[] Filters[]=geometry/scaleheight=36 */ ?>
You can change the setting of transformation.
See for more info.
Sunday 24 February 2008 1:01:57 pm
Thanks! I got the heading now. But I have to enter the url. Where does the picture end up on the server when I upload it?
Monday 25 February 2008 12:51:59 am
I don't understand why you want the url.
To make link to an image you have to use :
<a href={"/"|ezurl}><img src={$pagedesign.data_map.image.content[logo].full_path|ezroot} alt="{$pagedesign.data_map.image.content[logo].text}" /></a>
You can find the picture on folder : /var/plain_site/storage/images/design/plain_site/
Monday 25 February 2008 3:20:29 am
There is no logo showing up, no matter where I place that ini.php-file. I have tried all 3 directories under "settings/siteaccess, but there is no change.
I have tried both gif and jpg, but that didn't help either.
Maybe I'll go back to Dreamweaver - and try EZ later :)
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