Forums / Install & configuration / problems at template selection
Ward Minnis
Sunday 05 October 2003 9:45:40 am
no radio buttons or check boxes are visible, therefore i cannot go forward in the installation process. Tested in several browsers same problem.
James Packham
Monday 06 October 2003 3:37:21 am
I don't know if this is a common problem or not (I've not come across it) but the first thing I'd do is turn on the debug output (DebugOutput=enabled) in /ezpublish_installation_dir/settings/site.ini and see what it says :) Sorry I couldn't be more help
Tuesday 07 October 2003 6:44:46 pm
thanks for the reply. I will let you know if it worked. I had FTP'd the ezpublish directories unzipped to my hoster. I'm going to put the unzipped .tar file on the server and unpack it over there and see if i have the same problem. Thanks again. :)Ward
nimoy admas
Monday 08 December 2003 11:58:17 am
i had the same problem, but debug told us the issue. unzipped package on my desktop and operating system had cropped filename
fixed the extension and was away :)
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs