Forums / Install & configuration / Problems using phpadsnew extension

Problems using phpadsnew extension

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Valenti salas

Sunday 12 December 2004 4:59:04 pm


I'm trying to use the phpadsnew extension from the contributions section.
The problem is that i have no virtual host in my server.
I have installed the package in the directory, but after I have activated the extension in the admin section I can't use this extension.

How i have to do to access to the phpadsnew located in /extension/phpadsnew/phpadsnew?

it's necesary to configure the server in virtual host mode?

And, after the last go ok, where I have to create de tables for the extension, in the same db of ezpublish?

many thanks.


Sunday 12 December 2004 6:34:58 pm

You might need a little more expericence to set it up ...

Did you follow the steps to set it up?

It might run in non vhost mode... but we never tried.

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Valenti salas

Monday 13 December 2004 12:11:58 pm

the steps I have been trying are:

<b>- Setup eZ publish virtual host</b>
I think it's ok.

<b>- add special rewrite rule:
# eZ publish 3.4.x :
RewriteRule !((^/design|^/var/.*/storage|^/var/storage|^/var/.*/cache|^/var/cache|^/extension/.*/design|^/kernel/setup/packages|^/packages|^/share/icons).*\.(gif|css|jpg|png|jar|js|ico|pdf|swf))|^/extension/phpadsnew/phpadsnew/.*)$ /index.php
I think it's ok

<b>- Copy extension into extenstion folder</b>
Sure it's ok

<b>- Activate extenstion admin->setup->extensions</b>
Sure it's ok

<b>- Setup phpadsnew</b>
problem on this step. What is de meaning of setup phpadsnew? access to .../phpadsnew and setup like a normal installation on phpadsnew without ez?
And if it's true, my problem is how to access to the adress where is located the index.php of phpadsnew. I think that maybe the problem is in the setup of virtual host mode.

<b>- Insert database dump of phpadsnew</b>
here I have another problem, dump of what database? maybe after setup phpadsnew I have to copy the tables created in the database in the ez database?


Monday 13 December 2004 1:28:52 pm

phpads runs independant from eZ so you are close o get it to run

you just missed to setup phpads...

Look in the doc of phpads it is explained there how to set it up...

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Valenti salas

Monday 13 December 2004 2:01:43 pm

oh, i'm starting to understand.

but, I have another installation of phpadsnew in a subdomain of the server. Can I use this installation changing the config settings in the ez phpadsnew extension directory to refer to it? or I must to use the phpadsnew that comes with the extension??

many thanks.


Monday 13 December 2004 2:16:55 pm

you should be able to use your current db...

though you need to use the scoures in the extension, because otherwise eZ does not know where phpads is

We need this fixed location to create urls and create views for banner ads...


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Valenti salas

Tuesday 14 December 2004 12:17:43 pm
