Forums / Install & configuration / Problems with Flie Upload
Robert Jung
Monday 15 November 2004 4:40:25 am
I am experiencing the following problem:I am the Admin of a nice Intranet Site, and have to upload Files, Documents etc..
The problem is, sometimes if I upload a file as an object I looks perfectly no error message nothing. But if I try to open the file (click on the link) the browser displays 404 Error NotFound. - If I delete the file an try it again - same error. The filename contains no blank or non alphanumericcharacters. Sometimes this happends with doc files, pdfs, msg files, or other files.The filesize also isn't the problem - most of this files are between 20KB and 30KB large.
Has anyone a clue?
Balazs Halasy
Monday 15 November 2004 8:49:07 am
Might be wrong file permissions. Hint: check that the web server has read/right access to the files that are uploaded and used as content. These files usually reside in the following dir: <eZ publish dir>/var/storage or <eZ publish dir>/var/<your_siteaccess>/storage.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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