Forums / Install & configuration / RC2 - content unavailable

RC2 - content unavailable

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Christoph Schneider

Friday 07 February 2003 4:35:26 am

I get the following error message when trying to create a new content:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in d:\htdocs\ezpublish-2.9-7\kernel\content\browse.php on line 68
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
(see also

Also, when I open the user site, I get (Error / kernel(3)) "Object not available"

I have made a clean install (on a system where RC1 still runs without such problems). I am using a new database (MySQL, and it doesn't matter if I install the demo data or not).

However, I can for instance add new content classes without problems...

An idea as what the reason could be, anyone?

Christoph Schneider

Friday 07 February 2003 5:23:49 am

Additional info:

I have checked the code and found that
"function &fetch( $nodeID )" in class kernel/classes/ezcontentobjecttreenode.php
sets the $returnValue only to the database output, if there is exactly 1 item found:

if ( count( $nodeListArray ) == 1 )
$retNodeArray =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::makeObjectsArray( $nodeListArray );
$returnValue =& $retNodeArray[0];

Why is that? (The database query seems to fetch the "My folder" item 3 times, so that the count==3 although it's only one item actually.)
I changed the operation to
if ( count( $nodeListArray ) > 0 ) ...
and I could finally add a new content.

Martin Ulrich

Thursday 13 February 2003 10:05:58 am

I have exactly the same problem.

_______________________ ARTENIC - Publishing mit allen Mitteln!

Christoph Schneider

Friday 14 February 2003 2:16:30 am

> I have exactly the same problem.

I am not entirely sure if that's the reason but I wanted to test "multi-language install" and this option seems to show an error in the SQL query or the result handling.

Have a look at my second post in this thread for an explanation of what I mean:

I have now re-setup RC2 with only one language, patched as proposed and played with the users (couldn't do much there)/roles... and it works now. Sorry if I can't be more specific than that describing what has helped.

Martin Ulrich

Friday 14 February 2003 9:03:07 am

Tank you :-)
perhabs it caused by the translation. I need German translation


works not (content unavailable):


works fine:


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