Forums / Install & configuration / Remember me
Przemek Niemczuk
Monday 02 February 2009 1:06:50 am
Is there the possibility of such a configuration eZpublish that there was no need to log in each time you restart the browser. Forum IPB has the option: Remember me - You can not run under eZpublish?
Paul Forsyth
Monday 02 February 2009 7:04:36 am
Hi Przemek,
Yes, this feature is standard in eZ Publish.
You can see this in action in the administration home page.
If you look at the corresponding admin template 'design/admin/templates/user/login.tpl' you can see for yourself the form values needed in your own script to use this feature.
Thursday 05 February 2009 2:35:38 pm
I have the code in the file you provided, but in spite of the fact that he is not seeing it on the results page:
{if and( ezini_hasvariable( 'Session', 'RememberMeTimeout' ), ezini( 'Session', 'RememberMeTimeout' ) )} <div class="block"> <input type="checkbox" tabindex="1" name="Cookie" id="id3" /><label for="id3" style="display:inline;">{"Remember me"|i18n("design/admin/user/login")}</label> </div> {/if}
or something I do not understand:
Łukasz Serwatka
Thursday 05 February 2009 2:42:33 pm
That piece of code will be execute only when site.ini.[Session].RememberMeTimeout setting is set. See settings/site.ini for more details. In your case you have to configure it in settings/siteaccess/ezwebin_site_admin/site.ini.append.php, simply put
[Session] RememberMeTimeout=3600
Tune RememberMeTimeout value for your needs.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Thursday 05 February 2009 2:48:08 pm
Now I have this setting - no value. What should I set?
Thursday 05 February 2009 2:49:42 pm
Number of seconds a session cookie will last.
Thursday 05 February 2009 2:56:34 pm
It is possible to say for the month?
Norbert Wagner
Thursday 19 February 2009 5:32:47 am
Is it possible to set this to unlimited? 0? Thanks,Norbert
Yannick Komotir
Friday 20 February 2009 4:31:32 am
yes, the number is in second
for 1 month = 30 x 24 x 60 x 60 = 259200
<|- Software Engineer @ eZ Publish developpers -|> @
*- pike
Wednesday 23 September 2009 3:28:59 am
Is it possible to set this to unlimited? 0? Thanks,*-pike
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