Forums / Install & configuration / requierment : mod_php???
wahyudi wahyudi
Tuesday 16 September 2003 6:50:20 am
hi, im trying to install ezpublish. what i've done so far: apache 2, php 4.3.3 and mysql are installed und run well. as i read the requierement for ezpublish, i need at least mod_php, but i really don't understand what it is and how can install it. please help, do i really need mod_php installed on my server environment?many thanks
Paul Borgermans
Tuesday 16 September 2003 9:11:05 am
Do you ahave an idea how php 4.3.3 is installed? The cgi version is not good enough, but you may have it with mod_php already.
Take a look at the install docs and ... try to install anyway, you'll find out (or come back here with more questions)
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:42:02 am
thanks, i was using package installer from because i found so many problems with manual install of php. now it is work fine, i think it is installed as server module not as cgi. but i still dont know wheater i have to install mod_php or it is allready included. And one more thing before i install ez publish, i dont have any idea about compiling anything, should i do that for apache 1.3.24 and php 4.3.3, if yes how can i do that.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0003 secs