Forums / Install & configuration / Roles & Policies, Access permission

Roles & Policies, Access permission

Author Message

David Vogel

Tuesday 01 February 2005 10:51:52 am

Newbie confusion...
I set up a folder to contain links to pdf's stored in the media library.
I then set up a unique role to allow access to the file, or so I thought...
content/pdf/no limitations
content/versionread/no limitations
content/read/no limitations

What should I be doing? so I don't keep getting the error msg
"Access denied"
You don't have permission to access this area.

Probably pretty easy, the documentation on security, roles & policies has me confused.

Any help greatly appreciated. Thx

Balazs Halasy

Wednesday 02 February 2005 1:49:11 am

Yeah, it is easy: make sure that the anonymous user has read permissions to the media section:

- Admin interface -> User Accounts -> Roles & policies
- Edit anonymous role
- Edit read policy (probably the first one)
- Add the media section
- Save policy
- Save role
- Try again...
