Forums / Install & configuration / RSS-Import - where to set the definition to be 'active'
Michael Zeidler
Thursday 17 August 2006 11:23:50 am
Due to the manual explaining how to set up a RSS-import there should be the process of defining mappings of the imported data provided internaly by the RSS-module and the user-defined class attributes providing the storage structure. Also the possibility to set a RSS-import definition to be activated lacks in the version 3.8.2. Finally this is the reason why executing ./runcronjob.php fails in processing rss-imports.
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Friday 18 August 2006 3:09:38 am
Just compare the tutorial with the appropriate functionality in version 3.8.x., which was also tested by me using the ez demo site.Perhaps it is time to submit a bug request?!
Friday 18 August 2006 3:27:51 am
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs