Forums / Install & configuration / Site gone after reboot..
Mike Socher
Thursday 12 June 2003 4:49:21 pm
Where can I change the run level for the web server after the installer has finished ( redhat9). Simply restarting the httpd services does not bring my site back after a reboot.
Bruce Morrison
Thursday 12 June 2003 9:03:47 pm
Not really an ezpublish question but....
/sbin/chkconfig httpd on
(as root) should do the trick
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Friday 13 June 2003 8:28:38 am
Found it! You must first cd to the default install directory of Apache. /opt/ezpublish/apache_1.3.27/bin. Then you can run the Apache script (apachectl -k stop, apachectl -k start, apachectl -k restart, apachectl -k graceful).
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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