Forums / Install & configuration / Site package selection: "invalid package"

Site package selection: "invalid package"

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Emmanuel Dreyfus

Monday 15 May 2006 1:54:36 am


I'm trying to install ezPublish using the setup wizard. At the site package selection stage, the wizard asks me "Please choose a site package you would like to test or base your site on." and gives me a list of site packages: plain site, news site, blog site, etc...

When a choose a package and click next, the wizard complain: "Error Invalid package Remote repository URL:"

Any hint? What am I doing wrong?

Ɓukasz Serwatka

Monday 15 May 2006 11:06:46 pm

Most probably that setup wizard can not connect to the external repository. You can download packages from and install them manually.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->

Emmanuel Dreyfus

Tuesday 16 May 2006 4:58:55 am

I downloaded
saved it in the packages directory, but it does not change anything.

Am I saving it in the wrong place? Should I extract something?

christian stampf

Saturday 20 May 2006 8:53:20 pm

i am experiencing the same problems on my linux box with php 4.4.2. any idea yet on how to get around it? thanks!

Kristof Coomans

Tuesday 23 May 2006 12:08:37 am

Does your webserver have write permissions on var/storage/packages?

The packages downloaded by the setup wizard are stored there. Maybe you can extract them manually too.

Create this directory structure:

And unpack the package content in it.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Emmanuel Dreyfus

Tuesday 23 May 2006 12:37:52 am

Yes the web server has write access to the var/storage/packages/ez_systems/ directory

If I try to unpack the package manually in var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site when I go back to the wizzard and select plain site, I get the same error, and the wizzard removed the var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site directory and replaced it by an empty directory

If I remove the write privilege to the files after manually unpacking them, the wizzard will not remove them, but it will still fail to pass the site selection stage.(same error: invalid package)

Emmanuel Dreyfus

Tuesday 23 May 2006 2:02:53 am

More debuging, and the explanation!

I have this in the logs:

[ May 23 2006 09:39:40 ] [x.x.x.x] eZTARArchiveHandler:
Unable to create directory './var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/files/'
[ May 23 2006 09:39:40 ] [x.x.x.x] eZTARArchiveHandler:
Unable to create path for ./var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/files/
[ May 23 2006 09:39:40 ] [x.x.x.x] :
Failed loading imported package plain_site from var/storage/packages/ez_systems

And running a kernel trace shows this system call failure before the log messages are created:
25141 httpd CALL access(0x8cc340c,0)
25141 httpd NAMI "./var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/files/"
25141 httpd RET access -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
25141 httpd CALL __stat13(0x8d8120c,0x48523c5c)
25141 httpd NAMI "./var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/files/"
25141 httpd RET __stat13 -1 errno 2 No such file or directory
25141 httpd CALL __stat13(0x8d3090c,0x48523c5c)
25141 httpd NAMI "./var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site"
25141 httpd RET __stat13 0
25141 httpd CALL mkdir(0x8d8108c,0x1ff)
25141 httpd NAMI "./var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/files/"
25141 httpd RET mkdir -1 errno 2 No such file or directory

The rights seems fine, though:
#ls -ld var
drwxr-xr-x 5 www wheel 512 May 12 11:00 var/
#ls -ld var/storage
drwxr-xr-x 3 www wheel 512 May 12 15:25 var/storage/
#ls -ld var/storage//packages
drwxrwxrwx 3 www wheel 512 May 12 15:25 var/storage/packages/
#ls -ld var/storage/packages/ez_systems
drwxrwxrwx 3 www wheel 512 May 23 09:30 var/storage/packages/ez_systems/
#ls -ld var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site
drwxrwxrwx 2 www wheel 512 May 23 09:39 var/storage/packages/ez_systems/plain_site/

Running a little test, it seems the trailing slash is the problem: Here is a small C program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

int main(void) {
int error;

error = mkdir("/tmp/test", 0x1ff);
printf("mkdir(\"/tmp/test\", 0x1ff) returns %d\n", error);

error = mkdir("/tmp/test2/", 0x1ff);
printf("mkdir(\"/tmp/test2/\", 0x1ff) returns %d\n", error);

return 0;

If I run it on my system (NetBSD 1.6.2):
mkdir("/tmp/test", 0x1ff) returns 0
mkdir("/tmp/test2/", 0x1ff) returns -1

This is a kernel bug. It has been fixed in more recent releases of NetBSD (2.x and 3.x). A fix in ezPublish would not harm, though. At least you need a check to tell the user to upgrade his kernel.

Andy Chauhan

Tuesday 18 August 2009 8:07:23 pm

I have tried everything recommended by Kristof, but still I have the same error.