Forums / Install & configuration / Site takes too long to load!!!

Site takes too long to load!!!

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Nasi Nasi

Thursday 13 October 2005 11:17:34 am

Hi, im a newbie when it come to ezPublish,and when it comes to load the eZ ublish index or any other files it takes a long time.
Why is this?And what can i do so that my site can load fast everytime.
Even when i tried to install it it took a while...

Any help if helpfull...

Oh and the eZ publish verzion is 3.7.0

Nathan Kelly

Friday 14 October 2005 6:55:22 am

I had similar problems the first time I used eZp, the solution for me was a php accelerator:

However this might depend on your hosting environment and/or operating system and server hardware.

Also I'm not using 3.7, AFAIK you need to be running PHP 4.4+ if you have EZ 3.7 so make sure you check the sys requirements for your version.

Otherwise I'd suggest you search the eZp site and forum, you are not the first person to have this problem and you should be able to find some ideas that may help you to optimise eZp.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 14 October 2005 7:38:16 am

Turn on the debug and see the last table (where it says the time spent).

Not that obvious to interpret, but it gives you interresting infos.

Alexandre Abric

Friday 14 October 2005 8:03:20 am

Yep, a PHP accelerator is really recommended.

A good trick is also to disable as many worklow operations as possible. This saves about 15% of the page generation time. See workflow.ini and edit parameter :


Marko Žmak

Sunday 16 October 2005 9:44:04 am

You could also compile all your templates once you're done developing your site. You can do it by running:


in the directory of your eZ installation (run it from your shell).

You can also adjust some Cachesettings for better caching, but I don't suggest to do that yet if you are a newbie to eZ.

Also, what version of eZ are you using? And are you using trabslations? There was some problems with translations in some version of ez 3.7. Look here:

Hope it helps.

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Hubert Farnsworth