Forums / Install & configuration / slow surf
thierry cazalet
Friday 08 July 2005 6:15:20 am
I've installed the last version of ezpublish. and I experienced very slow reaction from each click.when I click on a link (admin or site created) it takes 20-30 sec to access it.
CPU charge is 97%, ram and swap are 80% filled when I use ezpublish otherwise it doesn't exceed 2%.
my config is php 4.3.11 mysql 4.xx CPU celeron 2.6 512Mo RAM, My HD is 32% full of 40Go
Can someone help me ?
thanks !
Birger Kollstrand
Friday 08 July 2005 6:56:27 am
Check that the web user/user group has read/write permission to the var directory.
I moved a site from one machine to another and forgot to update the read/write permissions and got the same problem as you describe.
cu / birger....Linær AS
Friday 08 July 2005 8:27:38 am
I've set chmod 777 to /var but it's the same
Luke Barton
Friday 08 July 2005 8:43:47 pm
Did you enable debug output? It can point to a lot of problems. You can also output what tpl file is being called.
Are you using cache blocks in your code?
Are you compiling your templates?
I had these same headaches. It's normally file permissions, caching and compiling issues.
Good luck.
Saturday 09 July 2005 1:06:02 pm
I've created with the wizard a plain site, no other change
finally I manually create necessary folders in /var and chown nobody:nobodyit's better, but not optimum (1-3sec)
I've these errors (I use french as default + english):
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(lib/template): 'The maximum nesting level of 40 has been reached. The execution is stopped to avoid infinite recursion.' with comment()
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(kernel/classes/datatypes): 'XML block' with comment(Datatype name)
etc ..
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs