Wednesday 11 July 2007 4:24:13 am
Hi friends, I need a quick advice on how to best proceed to customize eZ Publish's user class for doing e-commerce. I'm pretty sure some of you already did that before, and I would like to avoid reinventing the wheel. It may well be that I've overseen some contributions or configuration settings, so I'm looking forward for your feedback. Here's what I need, and how I solved it so far:
<i>1. a user should be able to add products to a cart without being identified.</i> (solved with a role: anonymous:shop/buy/no limits)
<i>2. a user should be able to sign up with just a few infos: e-mail, first and last name and username.</i>
Since I didn't like the way it was done in ezwebin, I wrote an extension, and wrote templates for user/login.tpl, user/register.tpl etc to fit my needs.
<i>3. If a user goes to actually buy something, I need the user to complete both a billing AND a shipping adress latest now.</i> I did not really find if there's a best/easiest way to do that: Should I modify the user class and add all the address fields as class attributes? Or should I create an address class, and attach it to the user? Did someone already write this kind of things as an extension? I didn't find it... The user's information should be persistant, i.e. the user should be able to change it via 'my account' at a later moment.
<i>4. Is there already a good shipping handler?</i> I've been looking into the fedexshipping extension, but it looks very hard-coded and more of a quick solution for a field problem than a generic approach... Thanks a lot in advance! -Pascal