Thursday 01 February 2007 12:29:45 am
I have set up the static cache for my website like described in Bård Farstad's article. (cf ).
The sites is very fast now but there is something I still don't understand. When an object is published the static cache file is not replaced.
I have many sites and siteaccesses on my server and what I want is to have only one site to be cached. assuming I want the siteaccess 'mysite' to be cached and having 'myadminsite' for the admin interface. I have settings like that :
in settings/ovverride/site.ini.append.php:
[ContentSettings] StaticCache=enabled
in settings/ovverride/staticcache.ini.append.php:
# A list of site accesses to generate static content for
CachedSiteAccesses[] CachedSiteAccesses[]=mysite CachedURLArray[]=/
in settings/siteaccess/myadminsite/site.ini.append.php:
[ContentSettings] StaticCache=enabled
in settings/siteaccess/mysite/staticcache.ini.append.php:
StaticStorageDir=static/mysite MaxCacheDepth=5
# A list of url's to cache. You can use the * wildcard to include a whole
# subtree.
CachedURLArray[]=/ CachedURLArray[]=/mysubtree*
# A list of locations that will be updated whenever an object is published. You
# can NOT use a wildcard here.
AlwaysUpdateArray[] AlwaysUpdateArray[]=/ What is missing or wrong ? What can I do to have the static cache files replaced when an object is published ? Thanks for help Fabio Carissimi