Forums / Install & configuration / Still cannot connect to database

Still cannot connect to database

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rick shepherd

Wednesday 29 September 2004 12:14:38 am

OK, now I have created a new database:

mysql> create database ezno;

and a new user

mysql> grant all privileges on ezno.* to 'ezno'@'localhost' identified by 'ezno';

I then fill in the values:

Servername: ezno
Username: ezno
Password: ezno
Socket (optional): (blank)

and I still get

The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again.

Any ideas??

Tobias Persson

Wednesday 29 September 2004 12:37:28 am

I think Servername might be wrong.

Normally (if you run the database on the same server as the webserver) it should be Localhost

Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 29 September 2004 1:46:01 am

servername is the internet address of the server where your sql server is located. If it's the same machine use "localhost". If not use either the full name of the server (e.g: or the ip address.