Forums / Install & configuration / Troubles recovering from PHP 4.4 upgrade with eZ Publish 3.6

Troubles recovering from PHP 4.4 upgrade with eZ Publish 3.6

Author Message

James Lynch

Saturday 23 July 2005 11:30:22 pm

Recently our web host updated to PHP 4.4, which has caused quite a funk with eZ Publish 3.6

So far the problems include:
A <b>load</b> of PHP Notices [RESOLVED] Solution at
Various images not loading in Admin siteaccess [UNRESOLVED]
Lists unavailable in Admin siteaccess (including siteaccess, templates, user accounts, a bunch more) [UNRESOLVED]
ezpm.php will not run and outputs error, "PHP is currently using the 'cgi' interface. Make sure it is using the 'cli' interface." [UNRESOLVED]
Will add more as encountered...

So we can't export a package to reimport to a 3.7 install, and we can't administrate the CMS.

Currently I am downloading the entire folder and sqldump (& taking forever!:). I plan to rebuild it on my local server, export all the packages I can, then import them on the 3.7 install.

If anyone has any experience with this or similar problems any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I hope this thread will help us all get through this ugly mess.

Frederik Holljen

Sunday 24 July 2005 1:58:15 am

I think the complete dump and then a move to 3.7 is the best option you have. Since you are using 3.6 the upgrade shouldn't be to hard.

James Lynch

Friday 29 July 2005 6:35:36 am

Our first try involve an actual upgrade and failed. So we tried installing the new version at an alternate location using URI matching siteaccess. When we tried to change to hostmatched siteaccess it is failing miserably.

I have modified each of the relevant INI files repeatedly, unloaded the entire cache, etc...


I plan to install the new data from SVN in hostmatched environment, then try migrating the data again. Manual install didn't go well either, since our host doesn't have PHP CLI
