Forums / Install & configuration / Updating from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2

Updating from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2

Author Message

Thomas A. Reinert

Tuesday 29 April 2003 4:02:19 am

I?m asking myself if i just need to overwrite the files or if there are any modifications of the database also? There are no instructions given - or at least i cannot find ?em...

Short instructions please! I?d be very thankful, cos i don?t want to waste time writing for the "old version", maybe trying to fix stuff that has already been fixed with the new release.. Thanks in advance for any input!

Paulo Almeida

Tuesday 29 April 2003 4:38:53 am

I thinks its unnecessary change DB. The dbupdate-3.0.2 file is empty.

I've upgraded without problems

Paulo Almeida

PACPI.COM Internet Consulting

Thomas A. Reinert

Tuesday 29 April 2003 6:39:07 am

Thanks for the update first!
So you just copied over the files and restored yer settings, design and indivual functions and stuff and that was it? Hopefully, i?m giving it a try now ;)

Jørgen Skogstad

Wednesday 30 April 2003 2:17:39 pm

How did it go?? If you managed to do this .. could you wrap up the way you did this in a textfile and put it on the wiki .. or perhaps here too!??

Would love to know .. how you did it .. and if it worked! ;)

Jørgen Skogstad

Paulo Almeida

Wednesday 30 April 2003 4:45:58 pm


I usually use the svn version, to get the latest updates :-)
Jut overwrite 3.0.1 files with 3.0.2 and clear the cache ( to be shure ).
But first, make a backup of files and data (pg_dump or mysqldump), something could not work like previewed :-(
BTW, don't overwrite your design files , and own configurations.

Paulo Almeida

PACPI.COM Internet Consulting

arthur foelsche

Friday 02 May 2003 10:35:05 am

I did it by installing ez3.02 in the same directory (public_html) and went through the configuration process.

Here's what i did:

mysqldump -pt -uUSERNAME -p DBASENAME > ~/dbaseback.sql

downloaded, and unpacked ez3.02 into ez2

pointed my browser at

went through the configuration process execept for installing data into the dbase (DON'T)

and then did this:

~/public_html/ez2/design/demo/override/templates$ cp -r ../../../../../ez/design/demo/override/templates/* .

which copied my demo templates (you maybe using user or standard) over, and then i just pointed the site.ini.php at my login page....

seems like it worked.