Forums / Install & configuration / Upgradin 3.10.1 to 4.0.3 : mysql error
Pascal France
Friday 03 April 2009 7:13:33 am
I'm upgrading a 3.10.1 eZ Publish installation to 4.0.3.I use PHP 5.2.9, MySQL 5.0.77-1 and Apache on a Debian server. eZ Components 2008.2.2 are installed too.
When I run this command to convert the database to UTF-8:
php bin/php/ezconvertdbcharset.php -s plain crashs with this error message:
... ... changing table: ezworkflow_process optimizing table: ezworkflow_process Serializing content class names... Fatal error: Call to a member function setNameByLanguageLocale() on a non-object in /xxx/xxx/bin/php/ezconvertdbcharset.php on line 667 Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
Thanks for your help.
Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -
André R.
Friday 03 April 2009 9:37:59 am
Could you try the one from trunk:
And please create an issue if it helps, converting chartset is not an exact science, so we need to fine tune the script.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Friday 03 April 2009 10:06:20 am
Hi André,
Thanks a lot. It works fine.
Here is the complete output of your trunk upgrade script:
WARNING: BACK UP YOUR DATABASE! Please make sure you have backed up your database before proceeding! If this script, for some reasons fails, your database may be left in an inconsistent state. This script will continue in 25 seconds. Press ctrl+c to abort. Continuing in: Unserializing content class attributes names... Converting xml datatypes... converting 'ezxmltext': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezimage': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezmatrix': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezauthor': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezmultioption': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezmultioption2': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezoption': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezrangeoption': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezobjectrelationlist': ezcontentobject_attribute.data_text converting 'ezselection': ezcontentclass_attribute.data_text5 converting 'ezmatrix': ezcontentclass_attribute.data_text5 converting 'ezobjectrelationlist': ezcontentclass_attribute.data_text5 Commiting... Changing DB charset... changing table: ezapprove_items optimizing table: ezapprove_items changing table: ezbasket optimizing table: ezbasket changing table: ezbinaryfile optimizing table: ezbinaryfile changing table: ezcollab_group optimizing table: ezcollab_group changing table: ezcollab_item optimizing table: ezcollab_item changing table: ezcollab_item_group_link optimizing table: ezcollab_item_group_link changing table: ezcollab_item_message_link optimizing table: ezcollab_item_message_link changing table: ezcollab_item_participant_link optimizing table: ezcollab_item_participant_link changing table: ezcollab_item_status optimizing table: ezcollab_item_status changing table: ezcollab_notification_rule optimizing table: ezcollab_notification_rule changing table: ezcollab_profile optimizing table: ezcollab_profile changing table: ezcollab_simple_message optimizing table: ezcollab_simple_message changing table: ezcontent_language optimizing table: ezcontent_language changing table: ezcontentbrowsebookmark optimizing table: ezcontentbrowsebookmark changing table: ezcontentbrowserecent optimizing table: ezcontentbrowserecent changing table: ezcontentclass optimizing table: ezcontentclass changing table: ezcontentclass_attribute optimizing table: ezcontentclass_attribute changing table: ezcontentclass_classgroup optimizing table: ezcontentclass_classgroup changing table: ezcontentclass_name optimizing table: ezcontentclass_name changing table: ezcontentclassgroup optimizing table: ezcontentclassgroup changing table: ezcontentobject optimizing table: ezcontentobject changing table: ezcontentobject_attribute optimizing table: ezcontentobject_attribute changing table: ezcontentobject_link optimizing table: ezcontentobject_link changing table: ezcontentobject_name optimizing table: ezcontentobject_name changing table: ezcontentobject_trash optimizing table: ezcontentobject_trash changing table: ezcontentobject_tree optimizing table: ezcontentobject_tree changing table: ezcontentobject_version optimizing table: ezcontentobject_version changing table: ezcurrencydata optimizing table: ezcurrencydata changing table: ezdiscountrule optimizing table: ezdiscountrule changing table: ezdiscountsubrule optimizing table: ezdiscountsubrule changing table: ezdiscountsubrule_value optimizing table: ezdiscountsubrule_value changing table: ezenumobjectvalue optimizing table: ezenumobjectvalue changing table: ezenumvalue optimizing table: ezenumvalue changing table: ezforgot_password optimizing table: ezforgot_password changing table: ezgeneral_digest_user_settings optimizing table: ezgeneral_digest_user_settings changing table: ezimage optimizing table: ezimage changing table: ezimagefile optimizing table: ezimagefile changing table: ezimagevariation optimizing table: ezimagevariation changing table: ezinfocollection optimizing table: ezinfocollection changing table: ezinfocollection_attribute optimizing table: ezinfocollection_attribute changing table: ezisbn_group optimizing table: ezisbn_group changing table: ezisbn_group_range optimizing table: ezisbn_group_range changing table: ezisbn_registrant_range optimizing table: ezisbn_registrant_range changing table: ezkeyword optimizing table: ezkeyword changing table: ezkeyword_attribute_link optimizing table: ezkeyword_attribute_link changing table: ezmedia optimizing table: ezmedia changing table: ezmessage optimizing table: ezmessage changing table: ezmodule_run optimizing table: ezmodule_run changing table: ezmultipricedata optimizing table: ezmultipricedata changing table: eznode_assignment optimizing table: eznode_assignment changing table: eznotificationcollection optimizing table: eznotificationcollection changing table: eznotificationcollection_item optimizing table: eznotificationcollection_item changing table: eznotificationevent optimizing table: eznotificationevent changing table: ezoperation_memento optimizing table: ezoperation_memento changing table: ezorder optimizing table: ezorder changing table: ezorder_item optimizing table: ezorder_item changing table: ezorder_status optimizing table: ezorder_status changing table: ezorder_status_history optimizing table: ezorder_status_history changing table: ezpackage optimizing table: ezpackage changing table: ezpaymentobject optimizing table: ezpaymentobject changing table: ezpdf_export optimizing table: ezpdf_export changing table: ezpending_actions optimizing table: ezpending_actions changing table: ezpolicy optimizing table: ezpolicy changing table: ezpolicy_limitation optimizing table: ezpolicy_limitation changing table: ezpolicy_limitation_value optimizing table: ezpolicy_limitation_value changing table: ezpreferences optimizing table: ezpreferences changing table: ezproductcategory optimizing table: ezproductcategory changing table: ezproductcollection optimizing table: ezproductcollection changing table: ezproductcollection_item optimizing table: ezproductcollection_item changing table: ezproductcollection_item_opt optimizing table: ezproductcollection_item_opt changing table: ezrole optimizing table: ezrole changing table: ezrss_export optimizing table: ezrss_export changing table: ezrss_export_item optimizing table: ezrss_export_item changing table: ezrss_import optimizing table: ezrss_import changing table: ezsearch_object_word_link optimizing table: ezsearch_object_word_link changing table: ezsearch_return_count optimizing table: ezsearch_return_count changing table: ezsearch_search_phrase optimizing table: ezsearch_search_phrase changing table: ezsearch_word optimizing table: ezsearch_word changing table: ezsection optimizing table: ezsection changing table: ezsession optimizing table: ezsession changing table: ezsite_data optimizing table: ezsite_data changing table: ezsubtree_notification_rule optimizing table: ezsubtree_notification_rule changing table: eztipafriend_counter optimizing table: eztipafriend_counter changing table: eztipafriend_request optimizing table: eztipafriend_request changing table: eztrigger optimizing table: eztrigger changing table: ezurl optimizing table: ezurl changing table: ezurl_object_link optimizing table: ezurl_object_link changing table: ezurlalias optimizing table: ezurlalias changing table: ezurlalias_ml optimizing table: ezurlalias_ml changing table: ezurlwildcard optimizing table: ezurlwildcard changing table: ezuser optimizing table: ezuser changing table: ezuser_accountkey optimizing table: ezuser_accountkey changing table: ezuser_discountrule optimizing table: ezuser_discountrule changing table: ezuser_role optimizing table: ezuser_role changing table: ezuser_setting optimizing table: ezuser_setting changing table: ezuservisit optimizing table: ezuservisit changing table: ezvatrule optimizing table: ezvatrule changing table: ezvatrule_product_category optimizing table: ezvatrule_product_category changing table: ezvattype optimizing table: ezvattype changing table: ezview_counter optimizing table: ezview_counter changing table: ezwaituntildatevalue optimizing table: ezwaituntildatevalue changing table: ezwishlist optimizing table: ezwishlist changing table: ezworkflow optimizing table: ezworkflow changing table: ezworkflow_assign optimizing table: ezworkflow_assign changing table: ezworkflow_event optimizing table: ezworkflow_event changing table: ezworkflow_group optimizing table: ezworkflow_group changing table: ezworkflow_group_link optimizing table: ezworkflow_group_link changing table: ezworkflow_process optimizing table: ezworkflow_process Serializing content class names... Serializing content class attributes names... Commiting... Cleaning up... DB has been converted successfully. PLEASE REMEMBER to alter the database connection definition in site.ini with charset=utf8
Friday 03 April 2009 12:24:26 pm
On second look, how many classes / total class attributes do you have, you might want to look at this issue. and use the patch from Daniel to the trunk version of the script:
Friday 03 April 2009 2:19:46 pm
On this website, the classes used are only the ones by default. None customized classes.
Thanks for your replies
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs