Wednesday 19 May 2004 2:04:34 am
Hi, I've read tens of threads related to this topic and I know that a lot of people have been struggling with the same issue, especially in hosted environments: installation goes well, but after entering the front-end only the index.php page on the site works and none of the links. The back-end's admin login page cannot be found either. Based on what I've read here, the problem seems to lie in the fact that the hosted server might be <b> running PHP as suexec in CGI mode and that's why no PATH_INFO can be found</b>. However, according to EZP's error page, AcceptPathInfo
can be turned off, but then the links won't work. My question is, if there is no other chance than to run PHP as suexec in CGI mode, do I have to forget using EZP? I haven't asked my hosting provider yet, but I strongly doubt they would change their PHP settings... Thanks for any input! Regs. Mikko