Forums / Install & configuration / "Users" in Adminzone does not work!
Beat Ottiger
Friday 11 April 2003 1:47:50 am
Hi there!
Please for a HELP! In the admin area i have a problem with "Users". The Link of "Users" is: "/content/view/full/5/" - When i click on "Users" - "Content" is highlighted. So i can't see the Links with Roles and so on. When i click on Shop or the other register i have nice urls like: "/shop/orderlist/".
What have i'm done? How can i correct this effect - try to define roles! Please for HELP! Thanx!
Friday 11 April 2003 2:04:52 am
I found a work-around - i just entered: "/role/edit/"! Is this a bug?
Sorry for your that trouble!
Sergiy Pushchin
Friday 11 April 2003 7:21:40 am
Please look here I think this will help
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs