Forums / Install & configuration / Using WebDAV with eZpublish

Using WebDAV with eZpublish

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Kjell Inge Sandvik

Saturday 06 August 2005 3:44:24 am

I have read Bård's fantasic article about setting up WebDAV (, but guess I have to get more info about it (can't get it to work).

My testing server is a local Apache-host and I have set up a VirtualHost and enabled the dav-module. The problem is that the webdav interface of my site is not found (404-error).

Can anyone please explain in easy step for a newbee how to set up WebDAV?

Best regards,
Kjell Inge Sandvik

Sandvik Web & Data

Łukasz Serwatka

Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:25:03 am


Enable "logging" in webdav.ini.append.php file, then check in /var/log/webdav.log file what error do you have.

What programm do you use to connect to WebDAV folder? Try with siteaccess name for public view for example plain_user, or news_user as start folder, check your siteaccess names in site.ini.append.php

If you have in webdav.log something like

2005-07-10 09:14:41 : indexdir: /galleries [CS:currentSitePath]
2005-07-10 09:14:41 : no valid site was found.. [CS:currentSitePath]
2005-07-10 09:15:15 : ========================================

Make sure that name of folder for which you want to connect is correct. Also check your re-write rule.

Personal website ->
Blog (about eZ Publish) ->