Forums / Install & configuration / workarounds please: open_basedir and memory_limit on a hosting shared server
Alexandre Cunha
Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:24:28 pm
Im instaling ezP on a shared server and get 2 warnings on the 2nd install screen: - # open_basedir is in use and can give problems running eZ publish due to bugs in some PHP versions.- Open the php.ini file and change the memory_limit value to at least 12M
I come to forun searching for solutions, but without success. I find something about have my own php.ini on the ezP install root dir, but dowest work. Have tried create my .htaccess with <IfModule mod_php4.c> php_value memory_limit 20M php_value open_basedir OFF</IfModule>
but seens doest work too.
any ideias ?
i accept sugestions for hosting companies.
Gareth Doust
Wednesday 05 November 2003 12:54:04 pm
Hi Axel...
I've been having the same problems. I found that asking my host to increase the memory limit value didn't present a problem... they did it for me within half an hour. However, they are very relectuant to switch open_basedir off as it is a security setting and don't want to open up their servers to attacks by unscrupulous "customers".
If anybody has a solution, or perhaps a hack or patch, to get around altering the open_basedir value in php.ini then I would be very grateful! I have looked at, installed, tested and fully evaluated many CMS systems for a heavy traffic, high quality performance arts website and have pretty much come to the conclusion that EZ Publish is the ONLY one that fully fits my requirements in the OPen Source marketplace. Unless I can find a solution to these minor bugs then I'm kaput - I really can't afford a couple of grand on a commercial system!
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