Tuesday 28 October 2003 2:48:21 am
Hi, In override/site.ini.append.php
[InformationCollectionSettings] EmailReceiver=laurent@lestudiot.com, contact@lestudiot.com
[MailSettings] EmailSender=laurent@lestudiot.com I created 1 classe (form) that I want to use in differents parts of the site with differents adresses for the EmailSender and EmailReciever. I this classe, I have a text line with the identifier email_reciever where I write the adress I want the form to be send (one of the adress above, in the site.ini). When I post the form, an email is send to the both adress. I don't understand how to declare just one EmailReciever per form and - it should be perfect - the same adress for the EmailSender. I tried like in this thread : http://ez.no/developer/ez_publish_3/forum/setup_design/missing_emailsender_in_email_headers No result. I'm lost between collectinformation.php, collectedinfomail.tpl and site.ini.append.php (woaw ;-) Some help ? Thanks. Laurent.