Forums / Setup & design / 403 Forbidden Error when trying to insert a link with OE.
Rafael Vega
Friday 03 March 2006 1:28:51 pm
Hello all.
I am using Online Editor v4.0.2 and ezPublish v3.7.3.I am ttrying to insert a link using the OE. When I click the browse button in the Insert Link popup window (after selecting ezobject or eznode as the type of link) I get this error:
<i>You don't have permission to access /ez/insertlink on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. </i>
I hope someone can help me with this issue.
Børge Warvik
Friday 26 May 2006 12:09:51 am
Rafael: Did you fix this?
I've got the same problem, any idea anyone? But instead of an 404 error I see my default siteaccess frontpage?!?
Friday 26 May 2006 7:42:33 am
Hello Borge. I did fix it. There is a bug on the template for the insertlink popup window in online editor (/extension/ezdhtml/design/standard/templates/ezdhtml/insertlink_gecko.tpl) Around line 133 there is a form and some input tags that are incorrectly nested, also check out where the closing tag for the form is (around line 200).Also, the action atribute for the form is incorrect.
This is the original code:
<input type="hidden" id="editorID" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="browseActionName" value="{$browse_action_name}" /> <form method="post" action="insertlink"> <div class="onlineeditor"> <input id="isNew" name="isNew" type="hidden" value="{$is_new}"/> <h1> {section show=$is_new} {"Insert link"|i18n("design/standard/ezdhtml")} {section-else} {"Link Properties"|i18n("design/standard/ezdhtml")} {/section} </h1>
I changed it for:
<div class="onlineeditor"> <form action={"ezdhtml/insertlink"|ezurl} method="post"> <input type="hidden" id="editorID" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="browseActionName" value="{$browse_action_name}" /> <input id="isNew" name="isNew" type="hidden" value="{$is_new}"/> <h1> {section show=$is_new} {"Insert link"|i18n("design/standard/ezdhtml")} {section-else} {"Link Properties"|i18n("design/standard/ezdhtml")} {/section} </h1>
Friday 26 May 2006 7:43:35 am
I Hope this solves your problem, good luck
Saturday 27 May 2006 5:00:27 am
Thanks Rafael!
Worked perfectly!
gaume bro
Wednesday 12 December 2007 5:35:00 am
I have the same problem. I've done the modifications for insertlink_gecko.tpl and it's ok.
But I have always a problem with IExplorer. I don't know how modifiy my insertlink.tpl
Can you help me ?
Hector Fuentes
Thursday 23 April 2009 8:27:03 am
I had this problem en eZ Publish 4.0.3 with OE 4.3.1 To fix the problem I had to change the line 149 in insertlink_gecko.tplfrom
<form method="post" action="insertlink">
<form method="post" action={"ezdhtml/insertlink"|ezurl}>
and the problem seems to be fixed when I use Firefox, but not in IE. To fix the problem for IE I do the same change but in insertlink.tplNow insertlink work both in Firefox and IE
I hope this help someone :-)
chuluunerdene enkhbazar
Thursday 24 September 2009 1:20:14 pm
hello my godaddy web host will not supporti dont know what happend my web host
Not FoundThe requested URL / was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80
this error will all web not responding please help me how to fix it'
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