Forums / Setup & design / Advanced search and selection datatype
laurent le cadet
Tuesday 12 July 2005 7:49:26 am
I'm actually using an override of the advanced search to perform search on a specific classe.
This classe contain a "Selection" datatype.
Is it possible to perform a search based on this <select> to list all the object (users) which had make the same choice in the list ?
Mikael Johansson
Tuesday 12 July 2005 8:04:16 am
Set the following parameters to search for objects where attribute 266 in class 3 is "two". SearchText=two PhraseSearchText= SearchContentClassID=3 SearchContentClassAttributeID=266 SelectClass=Update+attributes SearchSectionID=-1SearchDate=-1
This will list all objects that has made the selection "two" (my selection has two options, "one" or "two").
Mikael Johansson, Sweden
Tuesday 12 July 2005 9:09:24 am
Thanks for the settings.
I tried also another "quick and dirty" way ;) :
<select name="SearchContentClassAttributeID"> <option value="256">Nom</option> <option value="263">Promotion</option> <option value="277">Ville</option> <option value="278">Pays</option> <option value="284">Secteur d'activité</option> </select> <br> <br> <label>Sélectionner un secteur d'activité</label><div class="labelbreak"></div> <select name="PhraseSearchText" value=""> <option value="" >Secteurs d'activité</option> <option value="Direction générale" >Direction générale</option> <option value="....Direction d'entreprise" >....Direction d'entreprise</option> <option value="....Adjoint conseil, conseil de direction" >....Adjoint conseil, conseil de direction</option> <option value="Production" >Production</option> .... </select>
The user has to select first :
<option value="284">Secteur d'activité</option> (means activity)
And then chose an activity in the other <select>
To make it nicer, I have to render a dynamic select.
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