Forums / Setup & design / Alternative image text and charset problem
laurent le cadet
Wednesday 23 March 2005 9:45:57 am
I have a problem with the ALT function.The site is running in french but the special character are not supported + each time I edit an image, the ALT text become bigger and bigger :
Is it a bug ?
Łukasz Serwatka
Tuesday 29 March 2005 12:36:08 am
Hi laurent,
Could you report this in bug system?
Thank you
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Peter Schnuerer
Tuesday 28 June 2005 9:45:35 pm
Is there a solution to this problem, yet? Got the same Problem with german charakters... :-(
Martin Lekvall
Thursday 08 September 2005 6:50:49 am
Hi all
Have the same problem concerning swedish. å, ä, ö etc.
Laurent filed bug 6586 at:
EzP 3.5.0, OE 2.0 RH-EL3 2.4, mySql 4.1.7, php 4.3.9, apache 1.3.33
Fabien Mas
Friday 09 March 2007 6:48:18 am
I have also this problem, is there a way to solve it now ?
Thx, Fabien
Xavier Dutoit
Saturday 10 March 2007 1:18:56 am
I suppose asking the UN to ban any non english language isn't an option you'd consider ? ;)
Don't know otherwise at the ez level.
Georg Franz
Saturday 10 March 2007 8:37:59 am
I've reported that bug a long time ago.
It occurs if you are using a latin-1 database, have a look at:
Best wishes,Georg.
Best wishes, Georg. -- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004
Softriva .com
Saturday 10 March 2007 11:06:49 am
I am developing and Arabic site (UTF8) and have no problem.
Are you guys using UTF8 for your databases?
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs