Forums / Setup & design / Caching again
Christian Johansen
Tuesday 14 February 2006 1:07:52 am
I'm having a problem with "over cached items". I have some objects with a date field (stop publishing field). Then I have a listing that displays all the items where the date field has not already been (ie, < current_date).
Problem is - when the site is cachet these items may be displayed on the listing for a day or even two past it's "stop publishing" date. How can I avoid this? Is it possible to use cronjobs to clear the cache every morning or something to that effect?
Thursday 16 February 2006 1:54:17 am
Can anyone offer some help? I'm really stuck...
laurent le cadet
Thursday 16 February 2006 7:07:07 am
You can optimise your cache in the template.Add this line as first line.
{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}86400{/set-block}
86400 secondes (24 hours)
Normaly the cache will be clear every 24 hours for that template.
Friday 17 February 2006 12:23:19 am
Thanks! I'll try that.
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Module start 'content'
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