Forums / Setup & design / Class for documentation which contains source code
Nicolas Heiringhoff
Monday 20 September 2004 2:46:02 am
Hi everybody,
we are building a documentation of eZ publish code-examples to make our daily live with eZ publish easier. After our site will be online, these code exmaples will be available for other eZ Publish users. Unfortunately the documentation will be in German only. We have the problem, that the included code will be executed, if we use an xmltextfield. In this eZ Publish forum exists very pleasent possibility to use this tags: tag code $var = phpcode(); tag /code tag b Bold text tag /b tag i Italic text tag /i <- links will automatically be made clickable
The Question: How can we use this tags and which class or datatypes provide this functionality?
Ekkehard Dörre
Monday 20 September 2004 3:17:11 am
No answer but:
We made a german Docu for editors: OpenOffice version PDF Version~74 Pages, 5MB, ~110 Screenshot
Einstieg in eZPublish in 8 Schritten 1 (First eight Steps in eZPublish) Schritt 1: Anmelden 2 (Login) Schritt 2: Navigieren 2 (Navigate) Schritt 3: Elemente anlegen/löschen 3 (New Element/ Delete Element) 3.1 Einen "Article" anlegen 3 (New Article) 3.2 Eine "Info page" anlegen 9 (New Info Page) 3.3 Seiten löschen 12 (Delete Page) 3.4 Navigationspunkte anlegen 16 (New Navigation Link) Schritt 4: Elemente bearbeiten 19 (Edit Element) 4.1 Ordner editieren 19 (Edit Folder) 4.2 Textseiten editieren 20 (Edit Textpage) 4.3 Text formatieren 27 (Format Text) 4.4 Links einfügen 30 (New Link) 4.5 Liste einfügen 33 (New List) Schritt 5: Rückblick und Vorschau 42 (Look back and Preview) 5.1 Versionen verwalten 42 (Manage Versions) 5.2 Vorschau 45 (Preview) Schritt 6: Termine eingeben/verwalten 51 (New Event / Manage Events) Schritt 7: Bilder verwalten: Der Bereich "Medien" 58 (Manange Images: Media Section) 7.1 Upload von Medien 58 (Upload Media) 7.2 Medien mit Texten verknüpfen 61 (Link Media with Texts)Schritt 8: eZPublish für Fortgeschrittene 75 (eZPublish for advanced Users)
Feel free to use it and make new topics: Usermanagement for editors,Kollaboration for editors,
Greetings, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how: CJW Newsletter: -
Bård Farstad
Monday 20 September 2004 3:48:51 am
For the forums here on we use attributes of the type text field, without formatting. To format some simple tags like you describe we use the operators as shown below.
If you want to format text you can also use the XML text datatype, which is also much more powerful. And if you are inputting content like documentation and articles you should use this datatype.--bård
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs