Forums / Setup & design / Collected Info Debugging
Brian Gambill
Friday 26 May 2006 6:48:34 am
I have one custom 'Volunteer' collection form that works perfectly both collecting and sending email. My built in 'contact us' form also works great. I have a new form that does not. It does collect the information, but doesn't send mail.
What is the best way to debug this? To know for sure which template is sending the mail. If I just turn on debug and template debug I can only see debug info from the un-filled form or the feedback, but not the in between when the mail gets format and sent.
Something is a miss. The volunteer class that works is one I created in ez 3.5.0 and still works in 3.6.4. If I create a copy, with a different name, of this same class now in 3.6.4 no email. I think I have run the forums and bug lists. I even tried my hand at the collect.ini, which I don't understand. I was able to get it to send an email, but it was empty.
I am running ez 3.6.4
Monday 05 June 2006 7:29:59 am
Can someone provide a bit of detail about collect.ini?
When I add my new class, I can get a email to be sent but it is empty and has no subject line.
Perhaps I didn't run an upgrade macro from 3.5.3 to 3.64?
Monday 05 June 2006 12:10:47 pm
SOLVED original issue. It was not an issue related to EZ. There was a space at the end of the recipient address. I just couldn't see it.
ANSWERED: To debug what happens in between views, turn on debug AND debug redirection. The debug redirection part is the key. I gave it a try and it was exactly what I was after.
I'd still like more info on collect.ini. It wasn't documented in the latest 3.8 docs.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs