Forums / Setup & design / Contact us feedback form mail function
John Smith
Thursday 10 March 2005 3:23:54 am
Can anybody tell me where is mail function in the files , Which is sending the email in the feedback contact us form after the pressing the "Send form" button.
Łukasz Serwatka
Thursday 10 March 2005 3:33:00 am
Hi John,
You can find this settings in site.ini.append.php file for your siteaccess.
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Thursday 10 March 2005 5:46:37 am
thanks mate,
You did't get me. I am looking for a mail function for e.g. mail() in the code files. I dont want the .ini files one.
Kristian Hole
Thursday 10 March 2005 7:18:30 am
The mail sending is handled by
lib/ezutils/classes/ezsendmailtransport or ezsmtptransport.php
depending on which mailtransport you use.
Thursday 10 March 2005 7:32:30 am
thanks Kristian,
I will have a look.
Matthieu Foillard
Monday 05 December 2005 6:31:50 am
I've set : [InformationCollectionSettings]
but when a user submit the feedback form, no mail is send, is it a normal behavior ?
Tuesday 06 December 2005 12:00:30 am
Matthieu, check if your mail server is up and running correctly. In which environment your website works? On windows use SMTP instead of sendmail, you can configure mail settings in overridden settings/override/site.ini.append.php
You can test mail setup on Tip a Friend module.
Just send e-mail to yourself.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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