Pascal France
Friday 24 October 2008 5:31:22 am
I'm creating a new tool wich make use of the parameter $show_classidentifiers This parameter can contain several classes identifiers. In the temple of my tootl (toolbar/full/my_tool.tpl) I have this piece of code:
{let node_list=cond( $treelist_check|eq( 'yes' ),
fetch( content, tree, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
limit, $limit,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array( $show_classidentifiers ),
sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() ) ) ),
fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
limit, $limit,
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array( $show_classidentifiers),
sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() ) ) ) )}
This code works fine only if $show_classidentifiers contains just 1 class indentifier. I can display the containt of $show_classidentifiers with this code:
{foreach $show_classidentifiers|explode( ',' ) as $aaaa}
...wich displays:
but I can't include this code in class_filter_array, array( Thinks for your help Pascal
Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -