Forums / Setup & design / content tree view not visible

content tree view not visible

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Wednesday 08 September 2010 8:19:13 am

Hi there,

I currently encounter a problem with content tree view : It doesn't appears anymore.

When I'm in the "Content" section the left tree doesn't appears. But it appears when I'm deleting a node.

http://admin.mysite/content/view/full/2  --> No tree

http://admin.mysite/content/removeobject  --> There is a tree

I don't know what happens, because I'm not the only developer on this project. But nobody knows from when the tree view started to disapears.

I looked at menu.ini.append.php in override and siteaccess but I don't saw anything.

For more informations I looked at the debug and saw one thing :

eZTemplate: Loading template "parts//menu.tpl" with resource "design"

I suppose something is missing between the two slashes.

Could someone help us with that because website navigation is very painfull like this...



André R.

Thursday 09 September 2010 12:19:37 am

some content missing section for some reason? or does the section for some reason miss a navigation part? (drop down when you edit section)

aka the missing thing should be the navigation part.

Also make sure to diff any menu / pagelayout admin[2] template overrides you have against the original.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE


Thursday 09 September 2010 12:48:17 am

Hello André,

There is a screenshot of all the things I have :

We didin't modified the admin pagelayout and the menu.ini.append.php looks correct to me (just modified by hand to add the eznewsletter tab)