Forums / Setup & design / Creating a link to a file for download
Barney Gumble
Friday 30 January 2004 4:06:02 am
I've added some PDFs to my site using the file class, however I'm having problems accessing the attributes of this particular class. For example, how can I retrieve the full path to the file so that I may link to it? Unfortunately I cannot use |attribute(show) as this breaks the page.
I've seen various other posts regarding this but have yet to see a full solution. I've already checked out ezbinaryfile_direct.tpl and seen {$attribute.content.filepath|ezroot}, but when I try to use this as $:item.object.content.filepath (or similar) I'm not having much success.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as always!
Amina Bacar
Friday 30 January 2004 6:41:28 am
I'm not quite sure if this is what you want.I added some PDFs to my site using file class as well. Using the related objects I linked them to an article. To show the link for download and not the object file name i had to override the template embed for file class just using:
{default attribute_parameters=array()} <p>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$object.data_map.file}</p>{/default}
I hope this helps.
Friday 30 January 2004 8:06:54 am
Thanks! I'm not using related objects in this particular case. I've created an override template for a particular folder which will only contain file class objects, and I'm looping through the children as normal. I'm able to retrieve some parameters of the children such as name, but not the full path of the file itself. My goal is for the user to be able to right-click and choose Save Target As for a direct download. Cheers!
Friday 30 January 2004 6:20:08 pm
That worked for me in the end. I reduced ezbinaryfile.tpl to the bare minimum:
{section show=$attribute.content} {concat("content/download/",$attribute.contentobject_id,"/",$,"/file/",$attribute.content.original_filename)|ezurl}{/section}
This then allows me to apply whatever formatting I want to the link.
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