Tuesday 28 September 2010 7:49:27 am
Hi Ivan Are you trying to modify the pagelayout.tpl from /design/base, /design/standard from the root of your eZ installation? If so then you won't be able to do this as most of the time these templates are overriden by an override template from an design extension. For example if you have installed eZ Publish and have choosen to use ezwebin (Website Interface extension) then ~/design/standard/templates/pagelayout.tpl will be ignored and overriden by ~/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/pagelayout.tpl It is not recommended to directly modify ~/design/standard/* or ~/design/base/*. It is also not recommended to modify the design templates of ezflow or ezwebin. Instead create your own design templates and copy over templates files from ezflow or ezwebin and modify your copy. Example: if you need to modify ~/extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/pagelayout.tpl then: Go to your ez publish root mkdir extension/mydesign install -d extension/mydesign/settings install -d extension/mydesign/design/standard/templates vi extension/mydesign/settings/design.ini.append.php <?php /* [ExtensionSettings] DesignExtensions[]=mydesign */ ?> cd .. cp extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/pagelayout.tpl extension/mydesign/design/standard/templates/ vi extension/mydesign/design/standard/templates/pagelayout.tpl make your changes now activate your extension: vi settings/override/site.ini.append.php Look for [ExtensionSettings], then look for ActiveExtensions[]=ezwebin Add this before that line: ActiveExtensions[]=mydesign Clear caches and this should work.