Monday 14 April 2008 7:46:15 am
Hi! I did look at that tutorial! Actually just before my post! Yet I still have the problem with the modification of an existing style and pagelayout! You see I want to be able to purchase a template from TemplateMonster or from anywhere else for that matter! And then implement it! Now the new ez 3.x and 4.x has these overriding abilities. Yet in 2.x you used to be able to control the layout from extreme scratch! The new way seems more tedious - let's say you are really imaginative and the site really should look outstanding with fancy footwork here and there! To do that it would take hours on end! To find each of the css rules for each of the links and so on. Whereas you could design your own template with your own rules and your own images and slap them on the site. That should take far little time than all this work of overriding each element. Is it not? I am still battling to create a brand new design from scratch! That is why I asked if anyone could list the steps for what I want to do: <b>purchase a design, and apply it to an ez site</b>!!! But thanks for the fast response. Very impressive :) Best regards, Mihai