Forums / Setup & design / Designs order search
Piotr Switkowski
Sunday 13 March 2005 2:03:09 am
I have the following definition of site designs
SiteDesign=folder1/my_design_1 AdditionalSiteDesignList[]= AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=folder2/my_design_2 AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=folder3/my_design_3 AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base
I have two files called template.tpl: one in in base folder and one in folder2/my_design_2. I realised, that ezPublish always is displaying the one from the base folder. Even when I renamed it to 'main' - ezP still was ignoring the file located in folder2. The only way to display template from folder2 is to delete the file from base folder.
So my question is: what is the order ezPublish searches design folders. Can I have any control over it?
Ćukasz Serwatka
Sunday 13 March 2005 9:52:39 pm
Hi Piotr,
Have you read this document?
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Monday 14 March 2005 1:54:44 am
Hi Lukasz,
this article is not exactly what I need. It says "The system will sequentially go through all the additional designs, looking for the requested file". I realised, that if I have two versions of file with same name in different additional designs folders ezPublish always finds one and ignores the other.
Basically my question is in what order ezPublish searches AdditionalSiteDesignList. My experience is that this order do not depend om the order that these designs are listed in .ini file
Bruce Morrison
Thursday 29 December 2005 10:25:54 pm
Hi Piotr
There is a bug in eZ with how it handles multiple AdditionalSiteDesignList[] values. See
HTH CheersBruce
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