Forums / Setup & design / Different Site Styles

Different Site Styles

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Mihai007 Pop

Thursday 07 February 2008 12:29:57 pm


I am trying my hand at changing the look and feel of the standard webin interface! I am using that package, so I have gone to the following folder: \ezpublish\var\storage\packages\eZ-systems.

There I saw the site styles ezwebin_design_blue and ezwebin_design_gray. So I copied the ezwebin_design_blue and rename id to ezwebin_design_red!

Now I have changed it to a red background! I went to the admin interface under "design/look and feel"

There I saw the new style, so I chose it! And presto - my site changed to a red background because it is using the new site style!

My question is as follows: I need to make different section/folders with a slight change, or a complete change in look and feel: girls' section is in pink, guy's section is in blue! Can I assign different site styles for different sections/folders? I searched and could not come up with an answer other than creating a totally new pagelayout...! Which could become messy when it comes to maintenance...!

Any thoughts on this? Very much appreciated!!!

André R.

Friday 08 February 2008 1:16:27 am

Slight change is possible, but you cant use more then on design package, ezwebin (or the template_look class more specifically) is not multi site cable.

If you take a look in the generated html source code of a ezwebin / ezflow site you'll see something like this:

<div id="page" class="nosidemenu noextrainfo section_id_1 subtree_level_0_node_id_2 current_node_id_2">

using those classes you can specify css styles for subtrees / nodes / sections of the site.

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