Forums / Setup & design / ez 3.9.1 ezwebin Add more child to the left menu
Luca Orlandini
Tuesday 10 April 2007 8:03:51 am
HelloI am a newbee. I have a question.
I installed ezPublish 3.9.1 SiteDesign=ezwebin.I 'd like to change the left menu but I don't know which one is the file to manage.
I tried to modify left_menu.tlp and clear the cache but nothing changed.
I need to add more child to the left menu, for default we can have only a child
Link_A | Link_A_1Now is not possible to have a child link at Link_A_1
I need this :
Link_A | Link_A_1 | Link_A_1_1What file must I change to make it ?
Somebody can I help me? thanks
Tuesday 10 April 2007 8:32:27 am
Sorry!! Right Structure that I need on left_menu is this - Link_A | Link_A_1 | Link_A_1_1 - Link_B | Link_B_1 | Link_B_1_1Thanks
Piotrek KaraĆ
Tuesday 10 April 2007 8:49:58 am
Hello Luca,
I cannot look into your problem right now, but here's some hints:
1) In the administration interface there is a debug box (last one on the right). If it is collapsed, simply expand it with the expand button. There you will find a selection of siteaccesses along with their debug options. For the siteaccess of your choice check 'Template debug', 'Inline template debug' and 'List of used templates', then clear cache. When you refresh your site, you should be able to see the locations of all the template files that were physically used. Remember though: it is not the best idea to modify these files directly, it's better to override them:
2) In the menu.ini.append.php file for a given siteaccess there will be (or should be) MenuContentSettings block with LeftIdentifierList array that usually defines classes whose objects will be allowed in the left menu.
Hope this helps.
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