Forums / Setup & design / eZ Flow new Block Type

eZ Flow new Block Type

Author Message

Jacobi Jacobi

Thursday 07 October 2010 5:28:47 am

I am creating a new zone type, I noticed on the built in zones types that it fires off a ajax query to load the block part
(ex: html. However for my zone type, no ajax call is made. Any reason why that would be? I get everything else showing up fine including the thumbnail image.
Therefore I cannot add blocks because the area where it should be done is empty as the ajax was never called. The javascript file which should be backing the call is loaded. Any idea on what step I could be missing?

Actually it seems as if
$attribute.content is pretty empty it just has the zone_layout set. No zones array as the other ezflow supplied ones do.
Here is my bit from the zone.ini.append.php
ZoneName[column]=Column Zone
ZoneName[test]=Test ZOne
Which should give me 2 available zones but seems as if none are getting where they need to go.

Please help!!