Forums / Setup & design / FCKeditor and unwanted  
Benjamin Lemoine
Monday 06 March 2006 6:51:17 am
Hello all!
I've the same problem as Fraser : (comments)
FCKeditor adds two   before the first paragraph.Is there someone who knows how to remove those automatic spaces ?
Friday 10 March 2006 3:12:00 am
No ideas about it ?
Samuel Sauder
Friday 10 March 2006 6:17:45 am
Just letting you know that I have run into problems with the nbsp too. Although I can't remember the details now and can't test it for you. I've now purchased the Online Editor because I'm tired of the bugs and am ready to move into production.
Friday 10 March 2006 7:03:43 am
We are actually thinking about buying the Online Editor but the version we need cost around 2100$ (updating server version). That's why we're trying all the possibilities for the moment.
Thanks ( and always need a solution :( )Benjamin.
Stephen Martin
Monday 13 March 2006 10:34:42 am
I'm experiencing the same problem with the unwanted spaces at the beginning of the first paragraph. I'm on ezpub 3.6.3. I'm very much interested in a solution to this problem.
Alexandre Nion
Monday 13 March 2006 12:56:06 pm
Hi all,
The "nbsp" problem seems to come from the literal view handler. In order to correct it, you should replace the file "extension/fckeditor/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl" by the code below:
{if ne( $classification|trim, 'html' )} <pre{if ne($classification|trim,'')} class="{$classification|wash}"{/if}>{$content|wash(xhtml)}</pre> {else} {$content} {/if}
(overwrite all the previous content of file) Then it shouldn't place any more spaces at the beginning.Hope it will help
Monday 13 March 2006 1:38:57 pm
Your code fixed the problem! Thanks very much for posting the fix.
Monday 13 March 2006 11:57:07 pm
Yes, it fixed my problem too.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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