Forums / Setup & design / Folder showing as empty in user template
Stephan Brezinsky
Thursday 25 March 2004 8:11:30 am
I have cleared the cache and disabled it, and still nothing has been fixed. It's just very strange that the class objects show up in a list now, but when I try viewing them, it doesn't display the default object view (view/full.tpl), both in the user and admin interfaces.
I will try restoring a database backup one more time to see if that fixes it.
Thursday 25 March 2004 8:50:22 am
For those of you keeping track, I restored a database backup, and I was still experiencing the same problem. So I then set CheckValidity=true to run the installer again. I ran the installer, told the database section to 'leave data and add new' and pointed the siteaccess to my sitedesign.
So far this has restored functionality. What I will now do is monitor closely my changes to see what causes it to break again.
Edit: I have now loaded all my correct templates and default index page. So far everything is working with my custom classes, except now I am getting a strange node_id error which I have posted about here:
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs