Forums / Setup & design / Function Limitiation in 4.0 what does Group do?

Function Limitiation in 4.0 what does Group do?

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Nathan Kelly

Thursday 17 April 2008 6:50:02 pm

Hi All,

I'm setting up some user roles in my new project and I have noticed there is a new function limitation on certain modules called Group with the options "Any" and "Self".

What does this option actually do? I have been trying to test it to see what it actually does but I can't tell if it is being implemented or not, its got me quite confused, I checked the docs and there is no mention of this new option:

My initial thoughts were that it restricted the function to the group the user belongs to, for example:

I expected that if User 1 in GroupA creates an article and this Group limitation is set to self on the content read function for the section or node that the article was created in, then only users in Group A would be able to read the article and users in other groups would be denied. Am I understanding this correctly?

Can someone shed some light on this for me? If my understanding is on track then this new option would appear to be something I would personally find very useful but at this stage I'm not sure how to use it.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Maxime Thomas

Thursday 17 April 2008 10:57:45 pm

Self means that if you are the creator of the content you will be the only one to be able to modify it.
It is the same behavior thant your post in this forum. You are only able to modify your post.

Maxime Thomas | |

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Nathan Kelly

Thursday 17 April 2008 11:09:56 pm

Hi Maxime,

I understand what "self" does when its used on the "Owner" option of the function limitation, what I don't know is what does the "Group" option do? This option doesn't exist on my 3.8.x installs but it does exist on my 4.0.0 install.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Maxime Thomas

Sunday 20 April 2008 11:01:40 am

Ok, I haven't get it the first time.

So after, some thoughts, I think it is what you said.

The owner group can only see this content because they are in the same group.

Maxime Thomas | |

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