Forums / Setup & design / get class id for search from content browse
David Suela
Monday 16 October 2006 6:54:32 am
I need to add search function to the content browse admin of an object relation attribute. Everything ok, except that i can't filter search by class id. The $browse variable have the class name, but not the class_id of the object relation. How can i get the class_id of the object relation?
For example, if i can only relation objects of class foo, i have to search all objects, i can't only search for foo objects.
Thanks in advance,
David. <el acceso a la información>
Kristof Coomans
Tuesday 17 October 2006 12:06:57 am
Hello David
Are you using $browse.class_array? It indeed is an array with content class identifiers. And the content/search fetch function expects an ID or an array of ID's.
You can loop over the $browse.class_array, fetch the class and build an array with class id's:
{def $classIDList=array()} {foreach $browse.class_array as $classIdentifier} {def $class=fetch('content', 'class', hash( 'class_id', $classIdentifier ))} {set $classIDList=$classIDList|append($} {undef $class} {/foreach} {* place search code here *} {undef $classIDList}
Can you share your template when it's finished? That would be a nice contribution ;-)
independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |
Wednesday 18 October 2006 12:44:48 am
I'll try your code this week, it's what i looking for, thanks.
I hope to finish (and clean) the template this weekend and then share it. Now the template is a caos of commentaries and loops and ...
Thanks a lot,
Friday 27 October 2006 9:04:24 am
Your solution works perfect. I upload the template to
One thing more, how can i override this template?
Friday 27 October 2006 10:03:14 am
Do you want to replace the default one with yours from inside an extension?
Or do you want to override it when certain conditions are met? See content/browse.tpl
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